Lesley Mast | 意图 CPA - Part 2-安全的赌博软件
Dec 9, 2022

End 2022 on a High Note: Financial Planning for Small Businesses

As we wrap up 2022, it’s important to take a closer look at your tax and financial plans and discuss steps that can be taken to reduce taxes and help you save for your future.
Dec 9, 2022

End the Year on a Good Note: Tax Planning for Individuals

As we wrap up 2022, it’s important to take a closer look at your tax and financial plans and discuss steps that can be taken to reduce taxes and help you save for your future.
Feb 23, 2022

Important Update: New Requirements for Partnerships & S Corporations

On January 18, 2022, the IRS issued important updates to the instructions related to filing the new Schedules K-2 and K-3 for tax year 2021 for partnerships and S corporations.
Feb 19, 2019

Too Big Or Too Wasteful?

Are you getting too big for your current building? Solutions abound.
May 11, 2018

Will You Be 意图dy To Respond?

You know that feeling when you're just going along, minding your own business, and Uncle Sam kicks in the door and shakes everything up? Thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, we do.
Jan 23, 2018

Webinar | Your Tax Reform Questions Answered

Got Tax Reform Questions? Sure you do. Who doesn’t?! After all, there’s a lot to wrap your head around. That’s why we’re bringing together our firm’s subject matter experts to explain what the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act means to you and your business.
Jan 8, 2018

episode 115 – transcript

Click here to read the official transcript for episode 115: "managing the daily grind & maximizing personal productivity: using lean six sigma."
Jan 8, 2018

episode 115: managing the daily grind & maximizing personal productivity using lean six sigma

To run an effective business, you have to be a good steward of your company’s resources. To that end, many companies have embraced the Lean Six Sigma method to improve their efficiency and overall effectiveness – but that doesn’t mean that only large companies with many employees and complex processes can benefit from these teachings. … 继续
Aug 1, 2017

Tax Reform: Banning The Banter

Since President Donald Trump took office earlier this year there has been a lot of buzz about his administration’s stance on a number of high profile issues. 意图d on for tips to help you proceed from a tax prospective.
Jan 3, 2017

Your Tax Return Due Dates Have Changed

Legislative changes have resulted in a number of changes to our trusty schedule of tax return filing dates and deadlines. 意图d on to find out if your business is impacted.
Feb 17, 2016

From Good To Great

Success doesn’t happen without some blood, sweat and tears, and neither does a solid strategic plan. It takes a great deal of research, discovery and participation to bring such a plan to fruition … but it’s well worth the effort. 意图d on to learn more about the strategic planning process.
Feb 15, 2016

episode 20: girls & glass ceilings – the gender gap

Lesley Mast, CPA, principal and director of tax services at 意图 & Associates, joins Mark on episode 20 of unsuitable on 意图 Radio to discuss society’s gender gap – specifically in the workforce. Throughout this dynamic conversation Lesley shares the progression of her own professional career path and talks about what it’s like to be a member of … 继续
Apr 10, 2015
Other Stuff

Slideshow | The Truth About Tax Extensions

Need More Time To File Your Taxes? 把它! Once again, the end of another tax season will be upon us. It’s a time of year that taxpayers (and accountants) hold dear. We, 然而, know that while tax season may be “officially” over, 对于一些, there is still plenty of tax work to be done. The first four … 继续