期待意外 | Business Continuity Plan | 意图 CPA-安全的赌博软件


This article is part of our Small Business Corner series, which is designed to address challenges and considerations regularly faced by owners of small- to mid-sized businesses. Check out past Small Business Corner articles at efq.hongkonghexin.com/small-business-corner.

A Business Continuity Plan Can Help Protect Your Business From Unexpected Changes

Betty has been your company’s payroll clerk for a long time. 她是可靠的, gets things done and payroll is one less thing you have to worry about because she’s happy to take care of it all. 事实上, you have no idea what you’d do without her until one day you’re unexpectedly forced to realize this unfortunate reality.

In addition to the personnel hole she left, you’re now facing a significant gap in your company’s operations because Betty was literally the only individual who knew every aspect of your company’s payroll function. 现在?


在小企业中, it’s all too common for a single individual to be responsible for an entire business function without anyone else knowing or fully understanding what they do. If that individual abruptly leaves the company for any reason, you’re thrust into crisis mode, which likely includes dealing with unpaid bills, 错过最后期限, 工资不满, the need to pay interest or penalties, and even the loss of customers and revenue.

How do you protect your business against this scenario while ensuring you never miss a beat? A business continuity plan is a great place to start.

Listen to episode 152: “Process Documentation: Crystal Clear Or Clear As Mud?” of our award-winning 播客, 不适合在雷亚拉迪o. To learn how processes can help your business.

How A Business Continuity Plan Can Protect Your Business

It’s easy to fall into complacency when times are good, and when your business is running like clockwork. But change – especially unexpected change – is always lurking in the shadows. As such, you should be prepared for anything. A business continuity plan outlines what you need to do to continue operating successfully amid a crisis. Potential components of your plan might include:

  • 〇员工交叉培训 to ensure continuity of a specific business function, consider cross-training two or more employees in a particular area. 这种方式, if a person is out unexpectedly – or even takes a vacation – there’s a trained backup who knows the job.
  • Developing a procedures manual – A procedures manual is a step-by-step document that outlines all critical functions of a business. It allows you to document everything you do as well as how you do it.
  • Implementing a customer relationship management (CRM) system – A CRM system can provide your team with a single location to gather and share information. For example, an account manager might input notes about a customer’s account in CRM. 然后, if something were to happen to the account manager, notes and information are readily available to anyone with access to the company’s CRM, allowing you to go on servicing the customer without too much disruption.
  • Creating a master list of passwords – There’s pretty much a password-protected program for everything today. According to a 2017 report from LastPass, the average business user has 191 passwords. To prevent any issues in accessing the tools and programs your business uses, create a master list of passwords. It should go without saying, but you should make sure this document is secure.
  • 启用共享邮件访问 – If an employee is unexpectedly out of the office for an unknown period of time, consider sharing that individual’s email account with their supervisor. Having shared email access will ensure that emails don’t go unanswered, effectively preventing customers from going unserved.
  • Outsourcing critical business units – If you’re a small business with only a few employees, perhaps outsourcing critical business functions, 比如工资单或会计, may lighten your load a bit and provide peace of mind concerning issues related to 错过最后期限, 支付罚款, 等.


在一天结束的时候, 作为企业主, it’s your responsibility to know what your employees are doing. 确定, you need to be able to delegate various responsibilities so that you can work on growing your business; but at the end of the day, the onus is on you to ensure all areas of your business are covered in the event of a crisis.

If this is a new concept to you or if it seems too overwhelming to tackle on your own, reach out to me or to your 意图 contact to figure out what you need to do to prepare for the unexpected.

By Candice Rowe (雅芳 office)

Looking for more tips to help your business avoid a full-blown crisis? 看看这些资源:

Article: Business Owners Can’t Do It All

Article: How Strong Are Your Internal Controls