Marketing Tactics | Small Business 增长 | Ohio CPA 公司 | 意图 CPA-安全的赌博软件

Tell Me How You REALLY Feel About Marketing …

Small Business Marketing - Ohio CPA 公司
I’ve seen business owners scoff at the idea of allocating dollars toward a marketing budget or even bringing on a marketing or public relations professional to help enhance the company’s growth strategy. 通常, their skewed view is the result of their inability to see marketing as a strategic business function. 意图d on to find out what marketing can bring to your board room table.

Are you looking for ways to expand your business’s reach, establish stronger relationships with clients and ultimately generate increased revenue? Then you may want to reconsider where marketing ranks in your company’s growth strategy. Marketing is not reserved for large companies competing for market share on a global scale; it’s an essential business function that should be considered a priority and regularly practiced by businesses of all sizes – across all industries.

A More Robust Job Description

A lot of times business owners, particularly owners of small and midsize businesses, will scoff at the idea of allocating dollars toward a marketing budget or even bringing on a marketing or public relations professional to help enhance the company’s growth strategy. 通常, their skewed view is the result of their inability to see marketing as a strategic business function. This is a shame because a solid marketing team can help you effectively and efficiently solidify leads, enhance your connection with the community while positioning your company’s leadership team as industry authorities – and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Even if you aren’t ready to adopt a full-fledged marketing plan yet, there are still a few ways you can implement proven marketing tactics into your business activities. Here are three of my favorites.

Where’s the party at?!

You are the face of the company, which means it’s not enough for you to be visible; you have to be easily accessible and not afraid to engage. The opportunities are endless and can span from establishing an active LinkedIn profile, writing regular blog posts on your company website, presenting your knowledge and experience to other industry professionals, developing media relationships and establishing yourself as the go-to thought leader in your field and so on. This is one of the easiest ways to market yourself and your organization, but it can also be intimidating.

Start conversations with new people.

This may seem trite, but every time someone asks you what you do for a living is a chance to market your business. Make sure you are putting your best foot forward every time you open your mouth by taking a few minutes to polish your elevator speech.

Take a deeper interest in your customers.

Sometimes, after being in business for so long, it’s easy become complacent. Sometimes you can find your way out of that funk by taking a little time out of your day to get to know a little more about your customers. Who are your customers? What do they like to do and read? How do they hear about your offerings? Is there a better way to reach them? 等. Paying a little extra attention to the qualities that make your business, and your customers, unique goes a long way to building the types of long-term relationships your business needs to thrive for years to come.

By 贝嘉约翰 (都柏林 office)

unsuitable on 意图 Radio | Icon Logo | Ohio 会计 播客Want more tips to help you market yourself and your business? Listen to my interview with Mark Van Benschoten on episode 27 of unsuitable on 意图 Radiowhy marketing matters more (even when you don’t do it).